
NüVoices Podcast #117: A Career in Foreign Correspondence and Podcasting, a Conversation with Jane Perlez

This week, we have hosts and NüVoices board members Chenni Xu and Megan Cattel on to discuss a career in foreign correspondence and podcasting with veteran New York Times journalist Jane Perlez. She was also previously The Times’ Beijing bureau chief.

In this episode, Jane discusses her long-standing foreign correspondence career, which spans Africa, Europe, Asia and the United States, and lessons learned along the way, including the most surprising thing that happened to her during her tenure in China. She touches on handling risk as a foreign correspondent, how to cover stories despite being not in region, and what she is up to now: podcasting! She discusses why she finds audio journalism to be “her medium”, season 1 of her podcast “Face-Off: the US versus China with Jane Perlez and Rana Mitter” and gives us previews of what to expect during Season 2, which premieres February 11.

About our guest:

Jane Perlez is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former foreign correspondent for The New York Times in East Africa, Central Europe, Indonesia and Pakistan.

She was also The Times’ Beijing foreign correspondent and later Bureau Chief from 2016 to 2019.

About our hosts:

Chenni Xu is NüVoices Chair and an independent communications consultant, previously having served as regional spokesperson for Ant Group.

Megan Cattel is a journalist and occasional co-host of the NüVoices podcast. She is currently Assistant Editor of Nieman Reports at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard.